AIHA Connect 2025 Advance Program

Pre- and Post-Conference Education

Saturday, May 17

Saturday, May 17 8:00 a.m.–Noon

Saturday, May 17 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Saturday, May 17 1:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.


Aerosols and Airborne Particulates Big Data, AI, and Sensor Technologies Biosafety/Microbiology Changing Work Dynamics

PDC 102: Aerosol Sampling Update *

PDC 202: Leveraging OEHS Leadership in Merger and Acquisition Integrations * — NEW! PDC 201: Lithium-Ion Batteries in the Workplace * — NEW!

Chemical Hazards

Communication and Training

PDC 103: Risk Communication in the Era of 24/7 Connectedness * — NEW!

Confined Spaces

PDC 302: Real-World Case Scenarios and Lessons Learned in Confined Space Safety * — NEW!

Construction Emergency/Incident Preparedness and Response Engineering Controls and Ventilation Enhancing OEHS Communication Skills Ergonomics Ethics Exposure/Control Banding Hazard Recognition/Exposure Assessment

PDC 107: The Industrial Hygienist’s Role as an Emergency Responder *

PDC 105: The Essentials of Understanding Exposure Variability and IH Statistics * PDC 106: Creating an Exposure Assessment System Built on Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches *

Human Capital/Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Indoor Environmental Quality/Indoor Air Quality Laboratory Health and Safety

PDC 101: Process Safety Concepts for Laboratory Operations * — NEW! PDC 150: OSHA 10-Hour General Industry Certificate for Laboratory Professionals — Day 1 * — NEW!

Management/Leadership Noise/Hearing Loss Prevention Radiation (Ionizing and Nonionizing) Risk Assessment and Management

PDC 301: Understanding Threats to Hearing From Ototoxicants Exposure *

PDC 108: A Gentle Approach to Radio Frequency for IHs, Part I *

PDC 104: OEHS Strategic Framework for Enterprise Risk Management * — NEW!

PDC 303: An IH Life Cycle Perspective of Hazardous Drugs * — NEW!


PDC 203: Safe Handling of Flammable Liquids and Powders in Industrial Operations * — NEW!

Sampling and Analysis

PDC 109: Advanced Application of 4-Gas/PID Sensor Technology * PDC 110: An IH Introduction to Environmental Rules and Regulations *

Standards, Regulations, and Legal Issues

Total Worker Health ® Toxicology

Sessions marked with [V] will be broadcast for Virtual Connect. Sessions, schedule, and inclusion in OnDemand are subject to change.

AIHA Connect 2025

* Pre-registration and additional fee required 11

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