Pre- and Post-Conference Education
Thursday, May 22
Thursday, May 22 8:00 a.m.–Noon
Thursday, May 22 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Thursday, May 22 1:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
Aerosols and Airborne Particulates Big Data, AI, and Sensor Technologies
PDC 801: Real-Time Detection Systems Solutions Workshop *
Biosafety/Microbiology Changing Work Dynamics Chemical Hazards Communication and Training
PDC 1001: Breaking the Barriers to Effective Public Speaking * — NEW!
Confined Spaces Construction
PDC 805: Developing a Site-Specific Heat Stress Management Program Using the A10.50-2024 Consensus Standard * — NEW!
Emergency/Incident Preparedness and Response Engineering Controls and Ventilation Enhancing OEHS Communication Skills Ergonomics Ethics Exposure/Control Banding Hazard Recognition/Exposure Assessment
PDC 901: The Role of IH in Achieving Safe, Energy-Efficient Labs and Critical Workspaces *
PDC 803: Effective IH Management of Petrochemical Turnarounds and Related Projects * PDC 804: Fundamentals of Biological Monitoring for Industrial Hygienists * — NEW!
PDC 1002: Investigating Mystery Smoke, Off-Gas, and Odors * — NEW!
Human Capital/Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Indoor Environmental Quality/Indoor Air Quality Laboratory Health and Safety Management/Leadership
PDC 860: Crucial Influence ® Leadership Skills to Create Lasting Behavior Change *
PDC 902: Leading During Times of Change * — NEW!
Noise/Hearing Loss Prevention Radiation (Ionizing and Nonionizing) Risk Assessment and Management Safety Sampling and Analysis Standards, Regulations, and Legal Issues Total Worker Health ®
PDC 802: Overview and Current Trends of Naturally Occurring Radiation *
PDC 806: Mental Health First Aid Certification Training * — NEW! PDC 807: Fundamentals of Toxicology for Industrial Hygienists *
Sessions marked with [V] will be broadcast for Virtual Connect. Sessions, schedule, and inclusion in OnDemand are subject to change.
AIHA Connect 2025
* Pre-registration and additional fee required 15
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