Education Sessions Full descriptions, contact hours, and value-adds may be found at . Education Credits NEW! AIHA Connect 2025 attendees can earn up to 23.25 contact hours by attending sessions Monday through Wednesday. Miss a session or need additional hours for your certification? AIHA Connect OnDemand recordings bring conference sessions to your doorstep. All full conference registrations receive free access to Connect OnDemand. Recordings will be available from June through December 31, 2025. You will receive an email with access and credit instructions once the recordings are finalized. Monday, May 19 Sessions marked with [V] will be broadcast for Virtual Connect. Sessions, schedule, and inclusion in OnDemand are subject to change.
Monday, May 19 10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Monday, May 19 11:15 a.m.– 12:15 p.m.
Monday, May 19 2:00 p.m.– 3:00 p.m.
Monday, May 19 3:15 p.m.–4:15 p.m.
Aerosols and Airborne Particulates
A1: Research Roundup Mining Aerosols & Airborne Particulates [V]
B1: Research Roundup Aerosols & Airborne Particulates/Exposure Assessment [V] B8: NIOSH - Special Topics, Part 1 [V]
C3: Challenges and Solutions to Current 3D Printing Emission Test Standards
D9: Fire Impact Assessments From the Perspectives of an IH and a Laboratory Analyst
Big Data, AI, and Sensor Technologies
A4: Understanding Serious AI Safety Risks With Computer Vision and Machine Learning [V]
C1: Three Reasons Smart Technology Builds Stronger Safety Programs C4: Managing, Visualizing, and Interpreting Exposure Data for Predictive IH [V]
Changing Work Dynamics
A3: Addressing the Rejection of Young OEHS Professionals in the Workplace
C5: Leadership and Innovation Addressing Workforce Shortages
C9: Creating a Culture of Acceptance of Technology and Program Solutions
Chemical Hazards
B9: A Critical Review of Scientific Data Pertaining to Dermal Exposures to PFAS
Communication and Training Confined Spaces Construction
D4: Respirable Crystalline Silica – Lessons Learned, Engineering Controls, and Stakeholder Collaboration D5: Protecting Firefighters From Carcinogens [V] D7: Applying CRM and HOP for First Responder Teams
C7: Planning for Emergency Response [V]
Emergency/Incident Preparedness and Response
Engineering Controls and Ventilation
B7: How Ventilation Effectiveness Impacts Occupant Health and Safety
Enhancing OEHS Communication Skills Ergonomics Ethics
Sessions marked with [V] will be broadcast for Virtual Connect. Sessions, schedule, and inclusion in OnDemand are subject to change.
AIHA Connect 2025
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