Education Sessions
Monday, May 19
Monday, May 19 10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Monday, May 19 11:15 a.m.– 12:15 p.m.
Monday, May 19 2:00 p.m.– 3:00 p.m.
Monday, May 19 3:15 p.m.–4:15 p.m.
Exposure Assessment Strategies
A2: Advanced Applications of the Structured Deterministic Model (SDM 2.0)
Exposure/Control Banding
B6: Banding in Practice – Choosing Hazard, Control, or Occupational Exposure
Hazard Recognition/Exposure Assessment Health Care Human Capital/Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Indoor Environmental Quality/Indoor Air Quality Laboratory Health and Safety Management/Leadership
A8: Ask the Expert With Opening Keynote David Finch [V]
B3: Performance vs. Performative Metrics [V]
Noise/Hearing Loss Prevention
D1: Research Roundup Noise/Hearing Loss Prevention [V]
Protective Clothing and Equipment
D6: Hearing Protector Fit-Testing in the Department of Defense
Respiratory Protection
A6: The Global State of Respiratory Protection A9: Controlling Risks in Historic Apothecary and Medicinal Collections
Risk Assessment and Management
B4: Risk Assessment and Public Health Significance of Tremolite and Talc
C6: Statistical Cage Match II – IHSTAT Versus Bayesian Versus EN689 C8: NIOSH - Special Topics, Part 2 [V] C2: Resin Acid (Colophony) Sampling and Analytical Challenges
D3: Implementing System Safety Lessons Learned
Sampling and Analysis
B2: Rediscovering Endotoxin Testing for Bioaerosol Risk Assessment
D2: The Role and Work of the International Sampler Comparison Group (ISCG)
D8: Upton Sinclair Lecture [V]
Social Concerns
Standards, Regulations, and Legal Issues
A7: Knowing Your Risks – PFAS Identification and Exposure Assessment
A5: Generating Value Through OEHS
B5: A Practical Guide to Safety and Health Implications for Neurodiverse Workers
Total Worker Health ®
Expo Hall Networking Reception Monday, May 19 | 4:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
Sessions marked with [V] will be broadcast for Virtual Connect. Sessions, schedule, and inclusion in OnDemand are subject to change.
AIHA Connect 2025
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