Education Sessions
Wednesday, May 21
Wednesday, May 21 8:00 a.m.–9:00 a.m.
Wednesday, May 21 9:15 a.m.–10:15 a.m.
Wednesday, May 21 10:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m.
Wednesday, May 21 1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m.
Wednesday, May 21 2:15 p.m.–3:15 p.m.
Aerosols and Airborne Particulates
L4: OSHA Silica Engineered Stone Enforcement Initiative [V]
M1: Research Roundup Aerosols and Airborne Particulates/Standards and Regulations M9: Versatile Fenceline Gas Detection With Connected Safety
O1: Research Roundup Aerosols and Airborne Particulates/ Big Data and Sensor Technologies O2: Practical Insights for Implementing Real-Time Personal Exposure Monitoring [V]
Big Data, AI, and Sensor Technologies
K4: How Wearable Tech Fuels Data-Driven EHS Strategies [V]
L9: Advancing Chemical Risk Management Through Innovative Technology
N3: Data From a Network of PM Sensors for Characterization, Trends Detection, and Forecasting [V]
Changing Work Dynamics
K3: Understanding Hydrogen, Lithium, and Related Hazards of Future Energy [V]
Chemical Hazards
L2: Occupational Exposure to Fentanyl and Other Illicit Drugs [V]
Communication and Training Confined Spaces Construction Emergency/Incident Preparedness and Response
O7: Assessing Category A Waste in Outbreaks of High Consequence Infectious Diseases O6: Ventilation Needs of 3D Printing in Maker Spaces
Engineering Controls and Ventilation
K7: IH Can Help the Engineer Design a Successful Ventilation System
L7: Resurgence of Pneumoconiosis in Appalachia – Exposure Factors and Control Strategies L8: A Practical Approach to Revive (or Start) an On-Site Hygiene Program
Enhancing OEHS Communication Skills
K8: Mastering Storytelling and Silence for OEHS Success K2: A Frontline Worker's Perspective of Musculoskeletal Disorder Prevention [V]
O8: Making Silica Exposure Relatable to Workers [V]
L6: Transitioning to Safer and More Productive Power Tools [V]
M2: How to Report Bad News [V]
Exposure Assessment Strategies
O3: Understanding EPA's Approach to Occupational Exposure Assessments [V]
Exposure/Control Banding Hazard Recognition/Exposure Assessment
K6: Low Probability/High Severity Combustible Dust Incidents K9: Risk Communication and Exposure Science — Assessment for Prospective Effective Understanding
L3: Benefits and Limitations of Hazard and Operability Study L5: Bridging Compliance and Practical Application in Managing Heat Stress Risks
M7: An Approach for Preventing Occupational Asthma and Allergic Contact Dermatitis M8: Good Practices in Nuisance Odor Investigations
N2: Navigating Occupational Exposure Modeling in TSCA Risk Evaluations [V]
N1: Research Roundup Health Care [V]
Health Care
Human Capital/Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Indoor Environmental Quality/Indoor Air Quality
M3: The Human Contributions to IAQ and Net Carbon
Laboratory Health and Safety
Sessions marked with [V] will be broadcast for Virtual Connect. Sessions, schedule, and inclusion in OnDemand are subject to change.
AIHA Connect 2025
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