Opening Session
Closing Session
Harnessing the Power of a Neurodiverse Workforce Monday, May 19 | 8:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m. [V] Speaker: David Finch In 2005, David Finch’s three-year marriage was on the brink of collapse due to his ever-growing list of quirks and compulsions. His wife, a speech pathologist working with autistic children, had her suspicions about the cause. In 2008, they found their answer: Finch was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome—now Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Finch undertook the daunting process of rebuilding his marriage and assessing how his diagnosis affected his relationships at large—with his extended family, friends, and coworkers. Finch will talk about the benefits of hiring unique talents in the workplace. Drawing from his experiences in semiconductor market development engineering, mass-market components distribution, firmware and software development, and technical content marketing in the Fortune 500 workplace, his practical discus - sion on both managing and leveraging neurodiversity in the workplace will provide you tips on how best to manage these gifted individuals, who sometimes operate a little differently from the rest of the workforce.
Bulletproof Strategies for Leading Fearlessly Wednesday, May 21 | 3:30 p.m.-4:45 p.m. [V] Speaker: Evy Poumpouras
As someone who broke glass ceilings in a male-dominated field, former Secret Service special agent Evy Poumpouras demonstrates how anyone can move beyond self-doubt to a mindset of strength and resilience. In this talk, she shares valuable methods for harnessing solution-based thinking at work and every day and filtering out the noise to lead and problem solve effectively. Poumpouras stresses how important it is for leaders to master emotional intelligence, enhance mental fortitude, and break through diminishing thought patterns and self-doubt, while provid - ing audience members powerful tools to add to their arsenal as they look to lead themselves and their people to conquering short- and long-term challenges.
Opening session and coffee sponsored by
AIHA Connect 2025
AIHA Connect 2025
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