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Thank You to Our Sponsors
SGS is the world’s leading testing, inspection, and certification company. In North America, we provide trusted analytical, industrial hygiene, and built environment services, helping businesses ensure compliance, protect workers, and maintain safe, sustainable operations. Our brand promise – when you need to be sure – reflects our commitment to quality, integrity, and reliability across industries. Partner with SGS for accurate results, innovative solutions, and expert support in safeguarding health and the environment.
TSI Incorporated , based in Shoreview, MN, is a global leader in precision measurement instrumentation, software services, and workflow management. For over 60 years, we’ve provided innovative solutions for environmental monitoring, health and safety, HVAC testing, aerosol science, and industrial hygiene. Trusted worldwide for accuracy and expertise, TSI empowers professionals with data-driven insights and dedicated support. Explore our health and safety solutions, including instruments from our Casella brand. Visit our website for more information.
From first responders to industrial workers, DuPont Personal Protection provides a wide range of personal protection solutions including some of the most trusted and innovative brands in the industry, such as Tyvek® and Tychem®, to meet your safety needs. DuPont™ SafeSPEC™, our powerful web-based tool, can assist you with finding the appropriate DuPont garments for chemical and thermal hazards and controlled environments. SafeSPEC™ has a full permeation test results database for DuPont™ Tychem® fabrics and allows you to search by hazard to help find the appropriate protection. The SafeSPEC™ app is also available for mobile use.
Cutting-edge education and training to current and aspiring industrial hygiene and OEHS professionals.
Founded in 1828, Bureau Veritas is a global leader in analyzing samples to assess potential chemical exposures, characterize particles and quantify surface residues for more than 2,000 chemicals. Our analytical results are used to make decisions that protect and enhance the health and safety of people at work and in their community. Bureau Veritas has provided IH and pharmaceutical analyses for decades to government agencies as well as private chemical, manufacturing, mining, construction, energy companies and many more. Bureau Veritas is the premier provider of Industrial Hygiene analytical services in North America for more than 60 years. Our laboratories have been accredited by the American Industrial Hygiene Association Laboratory Accreditation Program (AIHA LAP, LLC) since 1974.
SKC is the global leader in sampling solutions and expertise for OEHS professionals — your trusted partner in protecting the health and safety of workers. We are the people engineering, manufacturing, selling, and supporting the best-in-class tools you use to assess worker exposure to hazards: air, noise, and surface/dermal. Making your job easier through our science and expertise is our passion; serving you with integrity is our pleasure. SKC is Science. Serving People.
AIHA Connect 2025
AIHA Connect 2025
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